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"Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw

05 September 2009

Pink Ninja Explains Confusion About Sweets Factory

Hi Guys,

Yesterday we started testing the new Sweets Factory. Looks like there’s some confusion, so here’s an explanation of how it works.

Does everyone see the Sweets Factory?

No. For now we’ve selected some members of YoVille to try out the Sweets Factory. We’ll be listening to your feedback on this new feature before it goes out to everyone.

Why did we add the Sweets Factory?

To make work more interesting and fun for you! The Sweets Factory gives you more choices than before, and we’ll be releasing things to make it even more interesting so stay tuned!
Also, the Sweets Factory helps Yovillains who can’t work several times a day earn more coins. For those of you who are already super worker bees – you still earn more for working more!

Will I earn less coins at the Sweets Factory?

NO! If you manage your bakery well then every day you will earn just as many, or even MORE, coins than you did at the old factory!
While it’s true that you have to invest coins to earn coins, the amount you earn is a lot more than what you put in.

Still not sure how I earn more coins this way?

Let’s use an example. Take Emma the average YoVillian, Emma has 10 crew, and she used to go to the factory twice a day just like the average YoVillian – so she used to earn 470 YoCoins a day.
Now with the Sweets Factory, Emma starts off by putting some vanilla cupcakes into her ovens on Monday. If she comes back on Tuesday, sells her baked cupcakes and starts another batch, she’s earned a profit of ~590 coins. She can do the same thing on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, etc… Even though Emma is coming to work less often than before, she’s earning more coins! And if she wants to earn even MORE coins per day she can bake chocolate chip cookies instead!

What if I run out of coins to invest?
Don’t worry! Every day you will get some free coins – so it’s OK if you run out of coins or want to spend some on a cool item! You will always have some coins to get you started.
If you didn’t get your daily free coins, try exiting and entering the Sweets Factory. (This wasn’t working for everyone the first day, but it’s fixed now – sorry!)

How can I earn the most coins?
In order to get even more coins out of the Sweets Factory, here are some tips:

  • Come back to the sweets factory at least once a day, for your free coins.
  • Don’t wait too long to pick up your sweets, or they will burn!
  • Even better: try to come back JUST as your sweets are finishing, so you can sell them ASAP and start another batch!
  • Items that bake more quickly earn more coins – but you have to manage them well!
  • Invite people to join your crew! You earn more for having a bigger crew, just like before.


I hope this clears up a few things. We are still in testing and will keep you guys updated on any changes that are being made. Thanks for your patience and willingness to give this new feature a try.


original post


Unknown said...

I haven’t read a single kind word about the new Sweets Factory. Everyone is saying you will make less.

In your example you say two visits to the Widget Factory equals 460 coins. In the extreme, you could work 4 times per day (6 hr. shifts), which equals 920 coins (three visits/day to the Widget factory would yield 690 coins). Now compare that to the 590 coins in your vanilla cupcake example. Which is more?

Also, your math needs a little work. There is a cleaning charge of 10 coins per oven. You must buy the vanilla cupcake for 11 coins. That is an investment of 21 coins per oven. Multiple this by 14 available ovens and the total cost is 294 coins. You sell them for 45 coins per batch. 14 batches yields you 630 coins in sales. Minus your 294 coin investment and that equals a 336 coin profit, not 590.

Which is more? 336 coin (net profit) making cupcakes or 920 coins visiting 4 times a day at the Widget Factory.

Of course, you don’t want to dump the Sweets Factory, considering all the real money you spent building it. All you have to do is to adjust the compensation (make the sales price higher or cost of sales lower).

Clearly, you’re not so great with the numbers, which is why everybody hates it so far. Try letting the “accounting and finance” department figure out the compensation (who is far better qualified than yourself with numerical computations) and the program will receive praise, rather than what is being published about it now.

Just a thought.

susan317 said...

Just the fact that they have to post an entire page soft peddling this new mess that everyone hates tells me that they're full of it. Did you ever hear the term "don't mess with success"? Bring back the Widget Factory-or give players the chance to make as many points as on Farmville!!!!!!!

Eddiegworld said...

It would have been nice if I had been given a choice. Instead, I am being forced to work at the sweets factory, which I do not like one bit. Forget about the coins, the work is NOT more fun, it is NOT more interesting, As a matter of fact, for me, it is a LOT less fun, and a LOT less interesting. At least at the widget factory, you could still interact with others, converse, play games, toss balloons, etc. At the sweets factory, it is more like solitary confinement and forced hard labor. Where is the fun in that???? I think that the only viable solution is to let those want to work the sweets factory, do so to their heart's content. Likewise, those who wish to remain at the widget factory should be allowed to do so of their own volition. Again, I could care less about the coins. I mostly use yoville as a cartoonish social network, a kind of looney facebook or myspace. I find collecting and throwing balloons and cleaning splats, searching for gold pots on profiles, turning lights back on, and picking up abandoned gifts, combined with the opportunity to chat with friends in a cute environment to be about the extent of "fun" AND "work" that I care to do here, or on any other network. So I guess I will basically be a lot poorer, and buy a lot less items until the powers that be decided one way or another. Again, I have to say that I am appalled that I was given no choice, and that I am being forced to bake against my will. What it comes down to is that I will be spending a great deal less time playing yoville, and looking for new avenues and methods of fun and relaxation on similar games run by competitors. I find it amusing, hilarious in fact, that this post ends by thanking us for our "patience and willingness to give this new feature a try". The truth of the matter is, it should be thanking those of us steadfast and true yovillians who have not quit, as so many already have. I am waiting to see just how long this "trial" needs to go on before some decision is made on whether to bake or not to bake. If you ask me, the trial period has already exceeded the point of conclusions and findings. I have so much more to contribute to this thread, and didn't even get to the tip of the iceberg, really, but I have to run now, my cookies are burning. *sigh*

susan317 said...

Oh, we have a choice- we can annoy Zynga with our postings until they either abandon or improve ($) this foolish idea- or we can leave and go somewhere else.

Unknown said...

Yuck! Sorry, but as a college student I can't afford to worry if my cookies are burning! It might be ok if we could have both factories so we could choose, but I hate having just the one option and will probably lay off yoville for a while until the widget factory comes back.

Eddiegworld said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eddiegworld said...

Also, I might add, "Before it goes out to everyone" sounds like it's definitely here to stay, no matter how many people complain, protest, or leave! Hey, Zynga, when's the new Gestapoville game coming out, anyway? I knew there had to be a reason why they put in so many ovens.

RoseMarie in MI/AZ said...

Pink Ninja...get real...this is a ripoff to force us to cough up real bucks if we ever want to buy anything decent again. If I am a test subject...UNTEST ME!!! I loathe this new twist, and I will quit Yo' before I play it. I tried today, and am finding myself tied to my computer, trying to work the times out, and feeling totally bummed ever time I have to pay to clean ovens and buy food. Give me a break...PAY FOR WORKING??? Not in this lifetime.

This is not a farm, where you pay to plow and plant seeds...the profit margin makes doing so worthwhile, and the rules were understandable going in. I am level 32 in Farmtown, and level 30 in Farmville. I paid $30 so far in my own money to get something decent in YoVille in roughly the same amount of time...I know how to work the system, when there is one.

At best, YoVille was barely adequate, and now??? The Sweets Factory sucks, and either it goes or I do unless you give me a choice of where I want to work...I'm 68yrs. old and have better things to do with the time I have left then to keep getting pi$$ed off by a game that wasn't that awesome to start with.

Unknown said...

Please give me back the widget factory! It is more fun to interact with people than to be in a bakery all day! I play in the am b4 my son wakes up and I play at night when my son and husband go to bed. This game was fun and relaxing after a hard day. Now it is just work because I have to worry about burning the sweets that I bake! How long does it actually take to bake these items? Yoville is supposed to be a game. Not actual work. I already have a job and a family. I don't need to work at yoville. B4 When we worked at the widget factory, I visited the factory two times a day and was able to make more than $50,000 coins. It will take longer to make money at the bakery because i have to pay to clean the oven and I also have to pay to buy the supplies. I had to sell some of my stuff to pay for bakery supplies.

Unknown said...

Also, my computer is incredibly slow! I need a new browser or more memory or something. Until I get a new computer, I don't have time to waste playing this game when I can make better use of my time doing more important things.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of controlling how much cash flow based upon how often i visit and play the game.

I hate the idea of having to do all that monotonous clicking (which is why I'm quickly losing interest in Mafia Wars), especially the pointless clicking to clean the ovens. Why not just have a single button to sell and reload all the ovens with whatever product one chooses.

Also get rid of all the charges and just payout a certain amount when completed. It sucks having to put all the money back in when switching from cookies to something else that takes longer.



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