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"Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw

01 August 2009

Roller Coaster Kingdom by Zynga Inc.

New game from Zynga Inc. ;
"Roller Coaster Kingdom"

It is alot like FarmVille. Visit your friends, build your own roller coasters and amusement park and win XP. Also you can send free gifts to your friends. Not an interactive game but fun.

Click here to play Roller Coaster Kingdom


Someone There said...

TOO many bugs in the game...and i mean TOOOOO MANY!

Anonymous said...

Does the word BETA mean anything to you? Ya gotta test it out to get the bugs worked on. Sheesh!

GlennM said...

The bugs encountered earlier were part of the TOS attack that effected Facebook and Twitter, all is running smooth now, and the game is fun....for now.

Unknown said...

someone please fix this message that keeps telling me the rides are too spread out...no way to move them all??? some instructions would be nice too..it's a cute game but still too many bugs.

Unknown said...

again... I'll try...

cute game but no forum, no FAQ, no help... why can't you move things ?

Rust Belt Demons said...

The food cost is WAY too high. I have seven attractions and it cost me $1400 to feed my workers!! That was practically all of the money that I made! I hope they correct this, otherwise I will quit playing.

Unknown said...

I agree, the food cost is high for the workers.
I am wondering what happens overnight, does the park shut down?
What is the purpose of 'resting' the workers, the customers still go to the ride/concession stand...

Unknown said...

Been playing for about a week now. I noticed my park's popularity won't go above 30...anyone else have this problem?
I agree, it cost a fortune to feed your workers, they have to fix that.

I also agree that it should be made possible to move rides and vendors.

I also would like to see help, faqs and forums for this game.

Unknown said...

I agree that it cost too much to feed my workers... I want the ability to be able to move things... also would be great to have some faqs and some instructions...

Administrator said...

How do you change the gender of the park owner? Or is it male by default?

Unknown said...

been on the roller coaster game about a week...really would like to be able to move items...also would be nice to know when you can get more land...I am on level 9..anyone know what level to get more land...

Unknown said...

it's a nice game, but there are no FAQ, no help, no rules... for example when do my garden extend ?
... too high the price of food..I want the ability to be able to move attractions...

è un gioco molto carino, ma non ci sono FAQ, ne la sezione aiuti nessuna regola da seguire... per esempio a che livello si estende il parco?
il prezzo del cibo è altissimo e sarebbe molto utile l'abilità per muovere le attrazioni ...

Ana Gruber said...

Excelente juego, pero, al igual que lo dicen todos, no se pueden mover las atracciones y no se sabe en qué nivel puede expandirse el parque. Voy por el nivel 17 y necesito espacio... Además, el nivel de aprobación no pasa del 30% y eso q el parque está lleno...

Anonymous said...

The game keeps crashing firefox after 10 minutes of play. FAQ's are needed even for a BETA version. The ability to rotate rides and concession stands is a must. I would also like to click on my attractions to see how much money they have made, so i can see which ones are worth keeping or may have to be moved. I am only at level 9 so i dont know if there is different food at higher levels that satisfy workers for longer periods of time, if not there should be. This game has great possibilities if done right.

4mcgills said...

I like the game concept, but it would be great to have a FAQ tab! How do you expand your park? Can you change your avatar's appearance? Why can't you move stuff around...only delete...bummer. Why do you have to constantly feed your workers? It costs a fortune and they are asleep every couple of hours! I hope the creators read these comments and fix these problems, because I could really enjoy this game!

Unknown said...

I agree with all the above comments....def need a help section, I keep getting told that my customers are leaving hungry and thirsty no matter how many food and drink stands I buy!! I also need to move things and rotate things!! To keep employees is too expensive! I really hope they work on this game as it is quite fun.....oh and for those who want to know when the next land increase is, I beleive its level 7 and then 14 and then 21 and 28 (I think~!!)

Unknown said...

Fuck This 2pid game NO FAQ NO FORUM!

Unknown said...

How do the developers hope to test this game without any way to contact them?
I am at level 10 now and the game is lagging bad.
I need more land to expand my park, I can't use my gifts.
This game is fun, but quickly becoming frustrating...

Wyntryst said...

I agree, there needs to be a FAQ. How do I enlarge my park? Why can't you move things? Why can't you switch to full screen like in Farmville? The zoom function is SOOOOOO frustrating!! There are lots of pauses in the functioning. And I agree, it costs too much to feed the "staff" and the energy runs out way too fast. We should get at least 4 hours from a full energy level. We do have lives ya know.

Owlsong11 said...

I have been playing about a week - now level 16. My park increased in size at level 14. One attraction - Bathtime Bliss took two hours to build. Visitors arrive with 35 to 45 coins that I have observed. Even after making a food or drink purchase, they remain hungry and thirsty. I upgraded my attractions which may have been the wrong thing to do since the visitors do not have many coins. I do not know when the next park size increase will occur. Some of my workers do not generate enough coins in sales to cover what I have to spend to feed them. Resting them is a long slow painful process and it ticks the visitors off if they decide that this is now the time to ride that ride or visit that concession stand. The graphics are well done. The bugs are expected since this is BETA, however, I would suggest the following ... Start a forum, give the visitors more coins, lower the cost of feeding employees, raise the time limit on when they have to be fed again from 3 hours to 8 hours (People do have to work for a living - big smile), increase energy regained while resting employees and provide folks with a way to move their attractions around without bulldozing them. My park stays around a 30 approval rating, but I have seen it go down to 28.something and then rise back up. Good luck to all, don't get too frustrated. This game has possibilities with a little bit of work.

Unknown said...

Would be nice if you could hide attractions too, like in the farm one

David Williams said...

What a HUGE pain in the ass to have to wait 7 levels to expand the size of your park. First you size-up at level 7 and the you wait around for a week or two to get to level 14...DOING NOTHING but feeding your workers.

Plus there is no official forum, like FarmTown has, so no way to complain to the developers.

It's kind of fun while your building, but once you've reached capacity, the boredom soon sets in, and the "waiting game" begins.

Also, having to feed the workers every two hours is lame. It should be more like every 4 or 8 hours.

Anonymous said...

I see everyone has the same frustrations and concerns.

I also noticed that even though the park seems to be open 24 hours continuously, you only get XP while you are actually on the screen watching it do nothing. As soon as you close it out - you no longer are actually earning XP even though you are earning money.

Other than that - I am in 100% agreement with all of the above comments regarding money, levels, forum, faqs, and it costs way too much to feed my workers who seem to sleep more than they work at this point. Which brings up another point - if they're going to force our workers to go to sleep - shouldn't we have an option to "close the park" while we are actually sleeping in the real world either that or give us an "autofeed" option...or just completely drop the need to feed the workers altogether.

BTW - my 5 yo is already bored with this game. He says it doesn't "do" anything. It is not interactive enough. It stagnates very quickly.

Unknown said...

Maybe they're making this game really hard to play at first so that once they fix the problems we will all LOVE it so much for the major improvements! (I'm plagued with too much optimism sometimes...)

Unknown said...

my email is cdhstarz@gmail.com please come find me on Facebook, I like to play this game but the bugs do bother me but I need many neighbors to be able to level my rides up more so if you guys want to be my rollercoaster friends that's okay with me go ahead :)

Unknown said...

There is a link at the bottom of the page to contact the programmers. I started this game and lost my connection while my first coaster was still being built. When I logged back on, my coaster wasn't there and my money was gone. Now I have no coaster and not enough money to buy another one. Is there a way to restart the game? I tried deleting the app that reloading it but that didn't work.

Unknown said...

No idea. I tried the same thing of reloading game but doesnt work...I delted the game not playing it anymore. After waiting to get to level 14 to get more land, I still couldnt add more rides and would to wait til level 21...no way was I doing that...

Cathryn said...

How do you change your person

JJ said...

Sometimes the game's "customers" have my facebook friends' names floating above them? What is this? Does it mean anything? And why do the customers leaving the park ALWAYS give a bad rating right before the next bus arrives so that I get four new people instead of five? Also, occasionally a ride will just stop apropos of nothing, and the line will just grow and grow until I have to refresh the page before people get angry.

JJ said...

One time, I had to pay my brother five dollars to watch the screen for three hours while I played a tennis tournament. All he had to do was feed the workers when they got into the "orange zone."
I paid FIVE DOLLARS so my brother could help me get a few extra XPs and coins on a FACEBOOK GAME.

Unknown said...

This is actually funny reading all this. I have over 30,000 in coins and about to hit level 13. Yes it is a BETA. Means testing. People need to be patient and wait. If you get booted, try fixing some bugs in your computer. I am a computer tech. so I know how this works. It is in the development stage and takes time. I also am playing in Restaurant City and it has bugs as well but it is also a BETA. If people can not be patient, do not play. As for the XP when you log out, same goes for all other games. I leave mine on most of the day and am able to level pretty fast. Give the developers time to work the problems and make it easier.

Unknown said...

Joelle, those names above those charators are friends of yours in Facebook.

fogfan said...

I can one up you Joelle. I paid $20 for extra coins! On a game that is beta and has lots of bugs!

dejevu said...

here is a link to the discussion board for the game.

there is an employee that is on there taking bug reports, replying to posts, and giving updates.

also a lot of players giving answers. very active board


banker0123 said...

My suggestions to RCK is :

To avoid the freezing of the game, you need to continuously delete the middle block of the red place lineup, to let the customer continue to play.

To earn more points and level up, it is better you always upgrade the rides & have enough points to feed the employees.

The game is quite stupid to enable the employees rest & the park is open, there should be a door to block the customers from entering the park. Also, you are unable to rotate or move anything in the park !!

I hope it helps other new players.

Unknown said...

One thing... Is There Actually ANYONE out there that is reading all these Comments and requests?? If not Then its all a Damn Waste of our time!!!!! Where are the Developers Replies???

Unknown said...

my 1 had started with '7.250 coins' soo i could put any rides down :@ any1 no how to reset the game??

add my facebook dan james... it looks like im wearing a turban but not :) and theres quads around thanks

Unknown said...

Cant Find you!! lol i found a couple of people with turban like things roung their heads but No quad bikes in back!

Facebook me too: Amanda Adams I am in a Red Bridesmaid dress, Blonde hair.

KODA said...

Horrible game, great concept. There is no interaction, for the most part. The game is painfully slow and boring in between leveling up. You can't move items, you have to delete them. I don't know... I just do not see this getting any better. The majority of the time is spent staring at the screen since the interaction is horrible.

Boring/Buggy... I still think its a great concept, however just fail waaaaaaaaay short.

Unknown said...

deleted the game...if i hear its gotten better will try again..i now am hooked on my zoo...give it a try..or farmtown and or farmville

Unknown said...

was on level 12 yesterday night...logged in today, found most of my rides missing and me on level 5 !!! now im just stuck on level 5 with xp's going up and level doesnt. the game is too buggy right now to play!

Unknown said...

How is it taking people so long to level up? I started yesterday morning and am about to hit level 15. I just leave it up when I am awake and come back every few hours to feed my people. The only things I wish we could do it move around rides and hide then to build paths behind things. Other then that I think it is just fine.

Beslimbehealthy said...

Game Tips:

1. To move Item:
"Start by opening the Shop tray. The Shop tray MUST be open to move an item. Click on the item you wish to move. Once you have found your new location, click again to place the item." (Quoted from RKC 'Help' page)

2. To save money on employees' food:
Before you log out, let your employees rest. When u log back in, your employees will have 100% energy and your shop will still earning money. I tried it myself and it works

Unknown said...

the game works fine for me. IF u want to move the attractions all u have to do is click the 3rd button on the first row. Then u click the attraction and bring it where u want to. Also, if u have low money, then put ur roller coaster kingdom on while u do something else like watch tv. Right now, I have about 100,000 and it is my 2nd day playing this. This game is kinda like restaurant city but a bit harder.

Unknown said...

I have been waiting and waiting I am at level 12 and have not expanded yet for the first time. I have run out of room. Can't do anything but feed the employees. I can't even upgrade anything. because I Need 12 neighbors and only have two? I just want to be able to EXPAND my park.

Unknown said...

it has gave up loading for me gets to the loading screen of genereating fun then no further

anyone else got this ?

Anonymous said...

taylor (my name)

when is the next time your park expands after level 14.....21?? because im at level 17 now with 86,000 and waiting that long would be ridiculous

Unknown said...

I am on level 11 with 60,000 coins and can't do anything!
I have all the rides I can fit, all the food and drinks stands I can fit and can't go any further!
All I can do is feed the workers now.
I have no notes so I can't even paint the rides.

How do I get notes and how do I expand my park?

Somebody please tell me.

Unknown said...

how i change my look (the owner look) ??

the game now is boring!!!
never i have money, all my money i expend in buses to came to my park



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