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"Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw

12 January 2009

Art contest

Hey everyone ,
I will be posting alot of good art that i see around yoville , If you know anyone that does great work let me know . We will be having an art contest . in order to compete you must submit one piece to either dizzy or tre and at the end of the month there will be a gallery event where everyone votes to see wich one is the best . Winner will recive a very generous prize & make the front page of yovillian.com . You may only submit one piece and it will "not" be returned. So only send knowing that you will not recive your whiteboard art back. Each piece can be up to 2 whiteboards , so give it your best shot. Contest end's saturday January 31st . The event will take place 9pm eastern time saturday night.

Good friend of mine did this 2pac . he's got alot of great work , does alot of graffiti pieces . If you want work done by him , Find me and ill introduce you . He does custom pieces from 30k to 200k .



Kayla said...

Very nice work. It'd be nice to see some actual creativity though. Editing the opacity on a photo and tracing it, just isnt the same :-[

Unknown said...

I can't say this about every artist on here but I have never once done it with opacity settings. I free hand everything on here.

Kayla said...

Well, i mean i'm sure there are actual talents out there. I paint and draw (in real life) myself.And I was amazed by some of the work I saw on here as well, but then I saw how it was done...and was a little less impressed. Still takes a steady hand to trace with the crappy tools on the whiteboards...but I mean, whatever. "shrug"...

Anonymous said...

i have some good art I try to draw myself unlike people who use machines....

Unknown said...

How do you put the picture?



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