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"Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw

20 November 2008

Police Recruitment in Yoville

Last night I attended an event, posted as "Police recruitment" in Yoville!

The so called Sargent's, were asking for 250 coins for uniforms, from each person who wanted to join, the Yoville police department, as officers!

The uniform which was, men's green army pants, shop price 75 coins, and men's green t shirt 35 coins, and hiking boots 125 coins. This cost a total of 235 coins in the shop!

Those that attended were told that they would earn 20 to 30 coins per day!

I could not believe people were, actually parting with their money.

I was booted from the apartment a couple of times, as i was asking too many questions!

I went back to confront the woman who's name at the time was "Assistant(YPD)"
To tell her not to throw her weight around, and dictate to us. Guess what, i founded myself
booted out again!

It is not possible to police Yoville, and i am sure if it were, the creator would have something set up by now!
This is an example of how easy it is for these people to get away with scams. It is a game, and should be played as such. Have fun, but question it, when you are asked to part with money. After all it is so hard to come by, and Yovillians work hard for their money!

Please read the help and info at the top of your Yoville page, which explains everything you need to know about Yoville. There are also some listings on known scams.

Be wise, be safe, and above all remember it is only a game, take it as such, and enjoy it for what it is!

I hope you found this article helpful.
Player name: mama "bitch" nikki(YOH) which stands for yoville over hundred.

p.s No interviews are included in this article, as i was booted out!


Anonymous said...

Great Article Nikki!! Scammers Suck!!



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